Initialize an Array With Fix Length in Javascript

In JavaScript, we love array. Furthermore, since the wonderful Array Extras added in ES5, it gives us the power to program in a more expressive way with array.

var friends = ["Ali", "Winson", "John"]; 
var sayHiToFriends = {
  return "Hi " + friend;
console.log(friends); // ["Ali", "Winson", "John"]   
console.log(sayHiToFriends); // ["Hi Ali", "Hi Winson", "Hi John"] 

Note that friends value doesn’t change. return a new array for us. Immutability huh?

In some case, we might need to initialize array with a fix length so that we can iterate over it with method like etc. So how do we initialize an array?

In JavaScript, we can create array with 2 ways:

1. The new syntax

var arr = new Array(5);
arr.length;   // 5

2. Array literal

var arr = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
arr.length;   // 5

Obviously, if we want to init an array with a fix length, the new syntax seems easier. Imagine how do we create array with length 100 with the array literal? Sure we can do something like:

function createArrayWithLength(n) {
  var arr = [], i;
  for(i = 0; i < n; i++) {
  return arr;
createArrayWithLength(100).length; // 100

But it’s not expressive. Compare this to:

var array = new Array(100);
array.length; // 100

Boom, short and clean. However, the array created is filled with undefined. Thus make it non-iterable.

new Array(100).map(function(val, i) {
  return i;
}); // [undefined x 100]

So what is the solution

Here are some solutions implemented by myself and also collected from resources online.

1. Function.prototype.apply

Array.apply(null, Array(100))
.map(function(val, i) { return i }); }) 
// will give us [0...99]

2. Array.prototype.fill

With es6 now we have many additional array method. One of them can help us to achieve what we want.

.map(function(val, i) { return i }); })
// will give us [0...99]

However, this method is an es6 method so not every browser support it. You might want to consider using babel compiler or polyfill for now.

3. Array.from

Another cool feature from es6 will also complete our task.

Array.from(new Array(100), function(val, i) { return i }); })

This is also an es6 feature, so if compatibility is what you considering, please use polyfill.

4. Utility library

Using library like lodash can make our code looks cleaner.


Protip: If you use node, you can require smallest lodash.range package from npm.


We had seen 4 solutions to do this in JavaScirpt. By using Function.proptotype.apply we can initialize an array with a fix length or incremental value. Moreover, we can achieve the same thing more elegant by using es6 feature. Finally, never forget library like lodash or underscore too =)


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